Je wordt doorverwezen naar de website van een erkend centrum voor volwassenenonderwijs (cvo).
Are you looking for an encouraging coach and some sparring partners to prepare for TOEFL or IELTS?
We offer an intensive course consisting of a mix of online Zoom practice sessions, personal feedback and guided individual study.
While you are expanding and practising your English, we familiarize you with the format of the task types of both exams, time management and general test-taking skills.
B1 certificate (Flemish Centre of Adult education, IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge First Certificate) or a level 7/8 Vantage score in the CLT placement test.
The above mentioned certificates and the online placement test may be supplemented with an (online or face-to-face) interview.
Wat leer ik in deze cursus?
This course aims to
1. improve spoken and written fluency and confidence
- in social communication;
- when presenting and assessing information, describing and narrating;
- when expressing opinions and discussing;
- when collaborating and performing transactions;
- when comparing advantages and disadvantages of a project;
- when at a loss for words.
2. improve accuracy in grammar, vocabulary, register, spelling and pronunciation
- through error analysis and remedial language practice;
- by expanding range (vocabulary & grammar);
- by recognizing and evaluating these elements in spoken and written texts.
3. improve text structure and make optimal use of it
- when producing a coherent text;
- when presenting information and outlining a project;
- when summarizing and reporting;
- when listening to speech or reading texts.
4. improve speaking, listening, reading and writing skills
- by exposure to various text types and practice in class and online;
- through the use of compensation, planning, production, interaction, reception, decoding and
- learning strategies.
It addresses individual needs
- through variation and differentiation;
- through personal feedback in class;
- through remediation of student specific problems via online exercises and tasks.